Mabel Pedro Martinez Great Mephisto Larry Moquin
King Mabel Yvar Martinson Jules Mephisto Juan "Chico" Morales
Machine Marty The Lightning Kid Mercedes (w) Pedro Morales
Big Machine Angel Marvella Bill Mercer Mike Moran
Dream Machine Fred Marzino Waylon Mercy Sailor Moran
The Giant Machine Joe Mascara El Merenguero Nina Moretti
Hulk Machine Mil Mascaras Marc Mero Tony Morelli
Mean Machine El Masco Marvelous Marc Mero Tina Moretti
Sammy Mack Tiger Mask Joe Merto Donovan Morgan
Corey Maclin Tiger Mask (#2) The Messiah Pirate Morgan
Mark Madden Tiger Mask (#3) Heavy Metal Punisher Dice Morgan
Miss Madness Tiger Mask IV Mexico Rip Morgan
Mr Madness Clarence Mason Chris Michaels Tank Morgan
Madusa Cheetah Master Cody Michaels Jessie Morissette
Crasher Maedomari The Master of Pain Jeff Michaels Shawn Morley
The Maestro The Master of Terror Richard Michaels Jamie Morris
Joe Maggs The Dragon Master Rick Michaels Hugh Morrus
Joey Maggs Steve Master Sean Michaels Clara Mortenson
Jumpin Jay Maggs Mike Masters Shawn Michaels Mortis
Mascara Magician Éric Mastrocola Masa Michinoku Dr. Rigor Mortis
Tokyo Magnum El Matador Taka Michinoku Richard Morton
Balls Mahoney The Matador Midajah Rick Morton
Peter Maivia Mathy69 Mideon Ricky Morton
Chief Peter Maivia Hiro Matsuda Midnight Mosaic (n)
Rocky Maivia Matty Matsuda Captain Mike Angelo Mosca
Selina Majors (w) Joey Matthews George Mike Mosh
Shinya Makabe Missouri Mauler Gorgeous Mike Bruno Mosig
Joe Malcewicz Emile Maupas Man Mountain Mike Mosoa
Mark Male Cliff Maupin Mean Mike Manukea Mossman
Prof. Boris Malenko Magnificent Maurice Ivan Mikoloff Naunakea Mossman
Dean Malenko Maven Millenium Mr. Moto
Joe Malenko Mad Dog Max Bill Miller The Mountie
Zack Malkov Max Mini (n) Dr. Bill Miller Caryn Mower
Carl Malone Mini Max Ernest Miller Ricardo Moyan
Karl Malone Kokina Maximus Frank Miller Franz Mrna
Tony Mamaluke Bert Maxwell Freddie Miller MTH
Big Boss Man Maxx Jack Miller Sam Muchnick
The Booty Man Madd Maxxine Jerry "Duke" Miller Sailor Lou Mueller
Macho Man (OVW) Rick May Mike Miller Muffy
The Repo Man Matt Mayers Ray Miller Kareem Muhammad
Repo Man Moondog Lonnie Mayne Rudy Miller Kareem Muhammad (#2)
Pete Managoff Mike Mazurki William Miller Muhammad the Butcher
The Manchurian Marissa Mazzola Joe Millich William Muldoon
Mancini David McClane Al Mills Bill Mulkey
Mario Mancini Roy McClarity Tiny Mills Randy Mulkey
Mancow Don McClarty Chris Milva Mary Jane Mull
Nino Mancuso Paul McClary Sinister Minister Willi Muller
The Metal Maniac Rick McCord Charlie Minn Blackjack Mulligan
The New Metal Maniac Bibber McCoy Chip Minton The Mummy
Mankind Earl McCready Joe Mirto Glenn Munn
Mini Mankind (n) Russ McCullough Mitsuharu Misawa Wayne Munn
Mrs.Manners Wahoo McDaniel Misery (w) Don Muraco
David Manning Jack "Sockeye" McDonald Art Mitchell The Magnificient Don Muraco
Randy Mansfield Dave McGee Dennis Mitchell Kazunari Murakami
Vince Mansini Irish Mike McGee Guy Mitchell Dick Murdoch
Cactus Jack Manson Scott McGhee Jim Mitchell Frankie Murdoch
Dom Manson Pat McGill Pete Mitchell James Murdoch
Mark Manson Terry McGinnis Mo Joe Murnick
Nightmare Manson Beulah McGiullicuty (w) Sir Mo Dr. John "Drop Kick" Murphy
Ad Mantell Bugsy McGraw Moadib Matt Murphy
D.Mantell Rick McGraw Mobster Pat Murphy
Dutch Mantell Nigel McGuinness Paul Mobus Skull Murphy
Johnny Mantell Billy McGuire Susumu Mochizuki Skull Murphy (#2)
Mantaur Leroy McGuirk Michael Modest Tamara Murphy
Angel Maravilla Tom McHoney Mike Modest Bob Murray
Omer Marchessault Don McIntyre Queen Moesha Don Murray
Frank "Gorilla" Marconi Velvet McIntyre (w) Mike Mohalko Farmer Murray
Gorilla Marconi Pat McKay Mighty Molly Mustafa
Lou Marconi Bill "Red" McKim Mitsuo Momota Colonel Mustapha
Sid Marcus Gordon McKinley Mona Kama Bin Mustapha
Joey Marella John H. McLaughlin Miss Mona Muta
Sheik Marella Ed McLemore Joseph "Toots" Mondt The Great Muta
Marianna Dan McLeod Ralph Mondt The Great Muta
Dawn Marie (w) Jess McMahon EZ Money Keiji Mutoh
Plum Mariko Linda McMahon (w) G.Q. Money The MVP
Tony Marinara Shane McMahon T-Money The MVP (#2)
The Mariner Stephanie McMahon Mongo Duke Myers
Mike Marino Stephanie McMahon Helmsley The Mongol Hack Myers
Marlena Vince McMahon Bepo Mongol Kristi Myst
Pablo Marquez Vince McMahon Sr. Geto Mongol Rey Mysterio Jr.
Tom Marquez Andrew McManus Miss Mongol Rey Mysterio Sr.
Tiger Joe Marsh Debra McMichael The Mad Monk Mystery (w)
Everett Marshall Steve McMichael Flash Monroe  
Lee Marshall Jim McMillan Frank Monroe  
Tom Marshall Kyle McNeely Gorilla Monsoon  
Kevin Martel Mike McQuirk Bull Montana  
Michel Martel Danny McShain Carlito Montana  
Rick Martel The Blue Meanie Hombre Montana  
Sheila Martel Meat Lenny "Bull" Montana  
Sherri Martel (w) The Medic Vince Montana  
Rick Martello Medic #8 Jerry Monti  
Alan Martin El Medico Aldo Montoya  
Bull Martin El Medico (#2) Don Montoya  
Frenchie Martin Alex Medina The Fabulous Moolah (w)  
Gregory Martin Jose Medina Johnny Moon  
Harvey Martin Travis Melrose Max Moon  
Judy Martin (w) Menace #2 Max Moon (#2)  
Tommy Martindale Sam Menacker Joe Moore  
Angelo Martinelli Meng Pee Wee Moore  
Tony Martinelli Leia Meow Shannon Moore